ChemACX is a comprehensive online catalog containing current product information from 405 leading chemical supplier catalogs such as Sigma Aldrich, Fisher, Acros, Alfa Aesar, Lancaster, Novabiochem (EMD Biosciences, Inc.), and TCI America (View all suppliers listed in ChemACX.) ChemACX provides rapid ordering information for over 352,300 unique chemical substances (13,420 new!), over 733,100 products (42,670 new!), and is updated bi-annually.* The current update has seen 57% of its products updated and 60% of its individual Skus updated.

This premier collection of databases includes:
ChemACX, ChemSCX, and ChemMSDX on a DVD, with ChemOffice Net software. ChemACX Ultra DVD Edition differs from ChemACX: Personal Internet Edition by adding the ChemSCX and ChemMSDX data, and by the fact that the DVD edition does not expire. Data may not be exported from the ChemACX Ultra collection.
