Alias StudioTools is complete digital design package, integrating the tools professional designers require for shape definition and communication processes, from sketching to production modeling. The new features and enhancements in Alias StudioTools 13 software offer designers and modelers several key benefits and significant enhancements in the areas of productivity, sketching, 3D modeling, visualization and data interoperability.

Dynamic shape modeling is Alias' name for global shape modeling, which allows users to manipulate the entire model at once, or at least big chunks of it, by pushing and pulling to stretch and shape the model. This allows very rapid design iterations.

There are two ways Alias StudioTools 13 lets users dynamically alter a model: with the lattice rig and the transformer rig. With the lattice rig, users can deform large portions of the model, or the whole thing, by creating a box around what needs to be changed. The designer edits the box, and the model goes along for the ride. It's similar to moving the poles on a spline. The transformer rig is more accurate. It works with existing and proxy surfaces to drive and constrain deformations, so users can chose exactly what to change and what to leave alone.
