Using chm2web you can convert documentation in the chm format (html help) into a full-featured browser-based platform-independent html help system that can be viewed in any modern web browser. The set of HTML files created by chm2web can be as well uploaded to your web server or used locally as a help system for your products.

chm2web Key Features:
There are no limits to customizing the view of your online help system that you can build into the existing sites creating your own templates and using the standard ones.
Help systems created by chm2web are platform- and browser-independent.
Chm2web makes use of some solutions enabling searching engines to index the created documentation much better.
Online web help systems created by chm2web have a tree-like table of contents, a help index, and the full-text search feature.
It enables the creation of frame-based, frame-free or mobile (for viewing on a Pocket PC or Palm PDA) versions of online help systems;
The built-in pre-processor is capable of deleting unwanted headers and footers and adding customizable html code to help pages;
The conversion process can be automated using command line options;
There is a built-in chm decompiller enabling the extraction of files, including service ones.