From subdivision modeling to advanced surface construction tools and volumic operations, Hexagon provides multiple polyhedral 3D modeling techniques, allowing hassle-free modeling of all shapes from simple to intricate.

The new geometry and high-resolution relief (microdisplacement) brushes bring unique and highly creative tools to refine and add extremely fine details to the 3D models.

Applying a UV-map over objects is easily facilitated thanks to a UV-unfold tool and a comprehensive UV-mapping module.

Choose among the impressive set of predefined textures, provided by Spiral Graphics Genetica™ 2.5, or import any textures, and use multi-channel 3D brushes to paint your model.
(Textured OpenGL display in Hexagon 2)

An Advanced Preview engine, including Ambient Occlusion, real-time shadows and advanced lightmaps support, delivers immediate renders of fully detailed and textured models.
(Ambient Occlusion preview in Hexagon 2)

Model © Moxstudios Ready-to-render:
Export your fully prepared model to Carrara™, Hexagon's 3D rendering companion or to other rendering products supporting standard 3D files, to finalize shaders, set-up lighting and environments, and develop fabulous images of the most inspired models.
